Set various map compile parameters without need of using batch file for advanced compilation settings. Makes compile settings inseparable from map, very useful when multiple mappers are involved in creation process. No extra actions are needed- place entity anywhere, tweak desired keyvalues and during compile process all parameters will be applied automatically. Each keyvalue sets parameter for compilers, in spawnflags all parameters for each compilers (CSG, BSP, VIS, RAD) can be disabled- with separated option for parameters shared bewteen compilers. See official ZHLT parameters documentation: ZHLT Command Reference. You can also check my advanced lightning tutorial that covers basics of compile process and explains most important parameters: Advanced Compilation.
Keyvalues |
Verbose messages? verbose : Compile with verbose messages.
Don't show tool configuration information? noinfo : Do not show tool configuration information.
Don't generate compile log file? nolog : Don't generate the compile logfiles.
Developer message level dev : Compile with developer message.
Estimate compile times? estimate : Display estimated time during compile.
Display statistics charts? chart : Display bsp statitics.
CPU thread count (0 for auto/max) threads : Manually specify the number of threads to run.
CPU process priority priority : Run program an altered priority level.
Texture data memory (KiB) texdata : Alter maximum texture memory limit (in KB).
Lighting data memory (KiB) lightdata : Set custom lightdata maximum (MB).
--- Perform CSG stage? --- csg : Set to compile CSG.
No WAD textures? (Embed textures into BSP.) csg_nowadtextures : Include all used textures into bsp.
Disable clipping hull generation? csg_noclip : Don't process the clipping hull (not for final runs).
Strip redundant clip nodes? (Economy mode.) csg_clipeconomy : Disables redundant clipnode stripping.
Clipping hull type csg_cliptype : Select the clip hull generation method.
Custom hull file csg_hullfile : Load a custom hullfile.
Disable sky clipping? csg_noskyclip : Disable automatic clipping of SKY brushes.
Minimum brush face surface area before it is discarded csg_tiny : Minimum brush face surface area before it is discarded.
Threshold to warn about overlapping brushes csg_brushunion : Threshold to warn about overlapping brushes.
NULL texture substitutions file csg_nullfile : Specify a file containing a list of entities to retexture with the NULL texture.
WAD configuration file csg_wadcfgfile : Manually specifies the path to the wad.cfg file.
WAD configuration name csg_wadcfgname : Use a custom wad configuration in the wad.cfg custom wad configuration file.
WAD auto detect? csg_wadautodetect : Enable automatic wad detection.
Don't strip null texture faces? csg_nonulltex : Disables NULL texture stripping.
Strip trigger texture faces? csg_nullifytrigger : Set all trigger textures to NULL.
Don't optimize engine light entities? csg_nolightopt : Remove light duplicates to save memory.
Don't convert game_text from ANSI to UTF-8 format? csg_notextconvert :
Scale the world (USE AT OWN RISK!) csg_scale :
--- Perform BSP stage? --- bsp : Set to compile CSG.
Face subdivide size (64-528) bsp_subdivide : Sets the face subdivide size.
Maximum portal node size (64-1024) bsp_maxnodesize : Sets the maximum portal node size.
Don't break edges on t-junctions? bsp_notjunc : Don't break edges on t-junctions (not for final runs).
Don't smooth brinks? bsp_nobrink : Disables feature that fixes brinks error. You need to have strong reasons for disabling it.
Don't process the clipping hull? bsp_noclip : Don't process the clipping hull (not for final runs).
Don't fill outside? (Leaks will be masked.) bsp_nofill : Don't fill outside- will mask LEAKs (not for final runs).
Don't fill empty spaces? bsp_noinsidefill : Disable automatic empty areas filling.
Don't optimize planes? bsp_noopt : Skip plane optimization on output.
Don't optimize clip nodes? bsp_noclipnodemerge : When used, disables clipnode merging, which increased clipnodes memory.
Don't strip NULL textures? bsp_nonulltex : Disables NULL texture stripping.
Don't generate hull 2? (Big monsters & pushable fall out map!) bsp_nohull2 : This one is mystery for me.
Show portal boundaries in PTS file? bsp_viewportal :
--- Perform VIS stage? --- vis : Set to compile VIS.
--- Perform RAD stage? --- rad : Set to compile RAD.
WAD search directory rad_waddir : Directory to search for WAD. Leave so it pick the same WADs as map file.
Use visibility matrix? rad_vismatrix : Usage of vismatrix.
Bounces rad_bounce : Set number of radiosity bounces.
Ambient world light (R G B) rad_ambient : Set ambient world light (0.0 to 1.0, r g b).
Light clipping threshold (-1 for none) rad_limiter :
Circus mode? rad_circus : Enable 'circus' mode for locating unlit lightmaps.
Disable sunlight spread angles? rad_nospread :
Disable opaque light flags? rad_nopaque : Disable all entities using zhlt_lightflags 2 to block light.
Smoothing threshold for blending (In degrees) rad_smooth : Set smoothing threshold for blending (in degrees).
Smoothing threshold between different textures rad_smooth2 :
Patch size for normal textures rad_chop : Set radiosity patch size for normal textures.
Patch size for texture light faces rad_texchop : Set radiosity patch size for texture light faces.
Scale patches with texture scale? rad_notexscale : Do not scale radiosity patches with texture scale.
Patch subdivide? rad_subdivide : Sets the face subdivide size.
Lighting threshold before blackness rad_coring : Set lighting threshold before blackness.
Direct lighting threshold rad_dlight : Set direct lighting threshold.
Direct lighting scale rad_dscale : Set direct lighting scale.
Disable interpolation? (Nearest point instead.) rad_nolerp : Disable three multi-point interpolation for radiosity patch blending, use nearest point sample instead.
Global fade (Larger values = shorter lights) rad_fade : Set global fade (larger values = shorter lights).
Global gap distance for texture lights rad_texlightgap : Pushes light from texture lights by specified units value, what removes "light bleeding" problem.
Global light scaling rad_scale : Set global light scaling value.
Per-colour light scaling (R G B) rad_colourscale : Sets different lightscale values for r, g ,b.
Global gamma rad_gamma : Set global gamma value.
Per-colour gamma (R G B) rad_colourgamma : Sets different gamma values for r, g, b.
Ambient sunlight shade contribution rad_sky : Set ambient sunlight contribution in the shade outside.
Light textures file rad_lights : Manually specify a lights.rad file to use.
Disable sky light being global? rad_noskyfix : Disable light_environment being global.
Use/create an incremental transfer list file? rad_incremental : Use or create an incremental transfer list file.
Dump light patches to a file for debugging? rad_dump : Dumps light patches to a file for RAD debugging info.
Adds noise, independent colours, for dithering (R G B) rad_colourjitter : Adds noise, monochromatic, for dithering.
Adds noise, monochromatic, for dithering (R G B) rad_jitter : Adds noise, independent colours, for dithering.
Enables custom shadows with bounce light? rad_customshadowwithbounce : Enable custom shadows for bounced light.
Enable RGB transfers? (For custom shadows.) rad_rgbtransfers : Enables RGB Transfers (for custom shadows).
Minimum final light (0-255) rad_minlight : Use to determine minimal lightning level for this map, in a range from 0 to 255.
Compress transfers? rad_compresstransfers :
Compress RGB transfers? rad_compressrgbtransfers :
Smooth skylight? rad_softsky : Makes better light_environment diffusion.
Thickness of translucent faces rad_depth : Controls thickness tolerance of the walls whose are affected by info_translucent entity.
Remove the black areas around opaque entities? rad_blockopaque : Disabling it stop preventing black areas on opaque entities from leaking out.
Don't load textures? rad_notextures :
Reflection gamma rad_texreflectgamma : Normally, the surface hit by bounced light has gamma value dependent on that light. It is set to 1.76 by default, and can be customized by this command.
Reflection scale rad_texreflectscale : Normally, the bounced light brightness depends on texture of the surface from which this light is bouncing. It's set to 0.7 by default, and it's fully customizable by parameter of this command.
Enlarge light map sample to blur the light map rad_blur : Controls shadow sharpness. The higher value is, the more blurred and less blocky shadows are.
Don't fix pointy texture lights? rad_noemitterrange :
Don't fix wall bleeding problem for large blur value? rad_nobleedfix :
1 : Ignore shared settings : Ignore parameters shared between compilers.
2 : Ignore CSG settings : Ignore CSG parameters.
4 : Ignore BSP settings : Ignore BSP parameters.
8 : Ignore VIS settings : Ignore VIS parameters.
16 : Ignore RAD settings : Ignore RAD parameters.