Path_condition is non-functional entity that awaits future implementation.
Keyvalues |
OnDestroy Function ondestroyfn : Name of the function to use from already parsed .as script files when entity is destroyed (killed) in any way. If the function belongs to namespace, you must use prefix with the namespace name (e.g. mynamespace::MyFunction) for the keyvalue.
Name targetname : Set name of path_condition so other entities can trigger it.
Delay Interval delay_interval : Keyvalue_Description_here
Conditions (Definition Name) conditions_reference : Keyvalue_Description_here
Min Distance mindistance : Keyvalue_Description_here
Max Distance maxdistance : Keyvalue_Description_here
Trigger on Stop Condition starttrigger : Keyvalue_Description_here
Priority Level priority : Keyvalue_Description_here
Waypoint Selection selecttype : Keyvalue_Description_here
Pre-Waypoint Destination pre_location : Keyvalue_Description_here
Pre-Waypoint Parameters pre_location_values : Keyvalue_Description_here
Start Waypoint path_start : Keyvalue_Description_here
Path_Waypoint List waypoint_list : Keyvalue_Description_here
NPC Keyvalue Filter key_filter : Keyvalue_Description_here
NPC Trigger Target npc_trigger_target : Keyvalue_Description_here
NPC Trigger Interval npc_trigger_interval : Keyvalue_Description_here
Angelscript condition name m_szASConditionsName : Keyvalue_Description_here
1 : Start Off : If selected, path_condition is disabled at map start, which means it need to be triggered in order to be enabled.