Entity that, when triggered, play a music track chosen from predefined list of tracks.
Keyvalues |
OnDestroy Function ondestroyfn : Name of the function to use from already parsed .as script files when entity is destroyed (killed) in any way. If the function belongs to namespace, you must use prefix with the namespace name (e.g. mynamespace::MyFunction) for the keyvalue.
Name targetname : Set name of target_cdaudio so other entities can trigger it to play audio track. Every trigger use-type works uniformly. Kill-targeting this entity will not stop audio from playing.
Track # health : Track to play. Pick 'Stop' to stop any currently playing track. Tracks are located in "media" folder, options starts from 'Track 2' (Half-Life0.mp3) and ends at 'Track 28' (Half-Life27.mp3). Tracks number 1, 29 and 30 are empty.