Plant that emits light and hides when enemies are nearby. To assign a light, place a light, customize it and then type it's name in "Target" keyvalue of this xen_plantlight. Also you can change "Classification" of this entity- plant only hides from enemies.
Keyvalues |
OnDestroy Function ondestroyfn : Name of the function to use from already parsed .as script files when entity is destroyed (killed) in any way. If the function belongs to namespace, you must use prefix with the namespace name (e.g. mynamespace::MyFunction) for the keyvalue.
Name targetname : Set name of xen_plantlight. Can't be triggered. Can be kill-targeted.
Target target : Light entity to be used by this xen_plantlight.
Render FX renderfx : Set custom render FX effect. Only works when "Render Mode" is set to different than 'Normal'
Render Mode rendermode : Render mode determines how this entity is rendered.
FX Amount (1 - 255) renderamt : Render amount to use when other than "Render Mode" 'Normal' is used.
FX Color (R G B) rendercolor : Used with "Render Mode" 'Color' and 'Glow' to set color. Also sets color of 'Glow Shell' "Render Mode".
Pitch Yaw Roll (X Y Z) angles : Where Z means Y and Y means Z, that is, when you're thinking Hammer-grid. (Hammer uses Z for height and Y for depth, while every other sane 3D-application does this the other way round; nonetheless this keyvalue description has the letters in the conventional order) This, technically, is a 3D-vector containing Euler-angles to describe either the entity's rotation or direction of effect. E.g. a func_door_rotating will use this as its initial rotation, while a trigger_push will keep its original alignment and use this for the direction of its push-effect instead. Euler-angles are a hierarchical system to determine an object's orientation in 3D-space. A yaw-value of 0 would mean the entity would face east. (right in top-down view) 90 would mean it would face north. (up in top-down-view) After yaw, pitch is applied. Think aiming up/down with your character in first person. At last, the roll-value is applied. Think your character falling over sideways in first person. Some entities, mostly point entities, do not use the angles keyvalue for any purpose.
Classification classify : Set the class of the spawned xen_plantlight. Think of how even though zombies and human grunts, by default, both are the players' enemies, yet have a dislike for and attack each other as well. This relation is created through the respective classes of the two entity types. For a complete table of how different classes react to each other, see monster class relation table.
2 : Drop To Ground : Self explanatory.
4 : Face Randomly : Spawn facing random direction.
2048 : Not in Deathmatch : Obsolete in Sven Co-op. Makes the entity don't appear in Multiplayer Games.