


The func_recharge is a visible, solid entity which can be used just as a func_button can and will refill 15 armor points per second while using it. Multiple players can use it at the same time, but the AP restored per second is distributed equally among them. Armorchargers refill themselves 15 seconds after being emptied. You can add targetname manually to this entity. CVars:

  • sk_suitcharger # (Default: 100, 100, 100): Sets how many armor points suit chargers store.


Global Entity Name globalname : Global name of entity, allows to have one entity in the multiple maps (e.g. elevator in map1 and map2 have the same "Global Entity Name" which tells the engine to treat those entities as a one single entity, so all elevator settings, positions, actions e.t.c. are copied to another map in a moment of map transitions.

Render FX renderfx : Set custom render FX effect. Only works when "Render Mode" is set to different than 'Normal'

  • 0 : Normal : Default rendering.
  • 1 : Slow Pulse : Transparency slow fading in and out in a loop.
  • 2 : Fast Pulse : Transparency fast fading in and out in a loop.
  • 3 : Slow Wide Pulse : Transparency slow fading in and out widely in a loop.
  • 4 : Fast Wide Pulse : Transparency fast fading in and out widely in a loop.
  • 9 : Slow Strobe : Regular slow appearing/dissapearing.
  • 10 : Fast Strobe : Regular fast appearing/dissapearing.
  • 11 : Faster Strobe : Regular very fast appearing/dissapearing.
  • 12 : Slow Flicker : Random slow appearing/dissapearing.
  • 13 : Fast Flicker : Random fast appearing/dissapearing.
  • 5 : Slow Fade Away : Not working. Fading out slowly until reaching invisibility. Works once when entity spawns or have changed it's "Render FX" at a runtime (e.g. through env_render). Requires high "FX Amount"
  • 6 : Fast Fade Away : Not working. Fading out quickly until reaching invisibility. Works once when entity spawns or have changed it's "Render FX" at a runtime (e.g. through env_render). Requires high "FX Amount"
  • 7 : Slow Become Solid : Not working. Fading in slowly from invisible to fully visible. Works once when entity spawns or have changed it's "Render FX" at a runtime (e.g. through env_render). Requires low or zero "FX Amount"
  • 8 : Fast Become Solid : Not working. Fading in quickly from invisible to fully visible. Works once when entity spawns or have changed it's "Render FX" at a runtime (e.g. through env_render). Requires low or zero "FX Amount"
  • 14 : Constant Glow : Sprites with 'Glow' render mode only. Disables sprite resizing.
  • 15 : Distort : Random distortion, looped.
  • 16 : Hologram (Distort + fade) : 'Random distortion' + 'Pulse' applied, looped.
  • 17 : Dead Player (DONT USE!)
  • 18 : Explode (Garg Like)
  • 19 : Glow Shell : Applies nice animated glowing shell on model. Color can be applied. "FX Amount" manipulates glow shell size.
  • 20 : ClampMinScale (Sprites)

Render Mode rendermode : Render mode determines how this entity is rendered.

  • 0 : Normal : Normal rendering. Entity will receive light, except if it is a sprite. "FX Amount" is obsolete when this is used.
  • 1 : Color : Brush entities only: Instead of rendering the texture, the whole entity will appear in one color, set by "FX Color". "FX Amount" sets the transparency. 0 means invisible. 255 means fully opaque.
  • 2 : Texture : Texture-only rendering. Entity will not receive light. Instead, only the texture will be rendered as is. "FX Amount" sets the transparency. 0 means invisible. 255 means fully opaque. This is used for transparent things such as windows. Tip: If you have a window separating a dark and a bright room using only one entity, you can apply a brighter glass texture to the side of the window seen from within the dark room than to the side seen from the bright room. That way, the window's brightness will look realistic from both sides, instead of from just one. Generally, darker rooms require the render amount to be lower, making the glass more transparent, or it would look illogically bright.
  • 3 : Glow : Sprites only. The sprite will appear in the same size regardless of your distance to it. In addition to that, the further away you are from it, the less visible it will be. (It's only barely visible at about 500 units far away) Good for light coronas. This renders the sprite in additive mode.
  • 4 : Solid : Brush entities only. All textures of the brush entity starting with '{' will have the last color of their palette (usually blue, black or purple) be rendered fully transparent. This is used for textures with see-through parts, such as grates and railings. Requires "FX Amount" to be set to a value greater than 0, commonly 255.
  • 5 : Additive : Works just as the "Render Mode" 'Texture', except that the entity's appearance will be added to the background instead of forming a mean. This means, black pixels of textures will be fully transparent, while full-bright pixels are added with a factor of "FX Amount" divided by 255. This is often used for sprites indicating a glowing light, as well as for overlay func_illusionaries to give a computer texture the appearance of having many small, glowing lights, screens and whatever other elements. Render-amount of 255 makes it bright. 0 makes it invisible.

FX Amount (1 - 255) renderamt : Render amount to use when other than "Render Mode" 'Normal' is used.

FX Color (R G B) rendercolor : Used with "Render Mode" 'Color' and 'Glow' to set color. Also sets color of 'Glow Shell' "Render Mode".

ZHLT Template Model Target zhlt_usemodel : For Brush entities: sets brush model template of this entity. Set it to the name of other brush entity (now called a template) and it's brush model will be used instead. Templates might save server resources by "copying" single brush entity (template identified by name) and using it in multiple places (can be used for entities like tables, columns, barrels, cars e.t.c.). Also one template occupies only one entity slot when compiling a map, no matter how many entities refers to it. For model-based point entities: copy display model of specified entity, to use it's model instead. Using "Custom model" is more appropriate in most cases, however, when it's not possible, use "ZHLT Copy Lighting From Target".

ZHLT Copy Lighting From Target zhlt_copylight : For Brush entities: copies light info from specified entity. This can be useful when we want this entity to be light up in a similar way the other entity of the map is, e.g. we have few func_pushables on map, and they are lit differently, tough they can be moved (and lightning is not updated on dynamic entities), it may looks shabby. With this keyvalue we can prevent this making all func_pushables received light in a same way. Another example: we have few windows in corridor (e.g. func_breakables), all of them receive a light in acceptable way, but the last window receive part of the light from another room and breaking whole atmosphere. We can set this window "Copy Lightning From Target" to any other window to fix this. Note that this can be also used for completely different entities, so we copy lightning from func_door to func_breakable as well. For model-based point entities: if model lightning does not satisfy you (e.g. it's too dark) you can specify a name of entity here to copy it's lightning values- it can be other model-based entity or simply info_target.

ZHLT Disable Clipping zhlt_noclip : Enable or disable collision of entity.

  • 0 : Default : Keep default collision.
  • 1 : Always non-solid : This makes entity non-solid- all collision info from this entity will be ignored. Use it in case when entity have no build-in collision disabling ability (e.g. by selecting "Passable" flag in func_door) and you much desire to disable collision for this entity.

ZHLT Invisible zhlt_invisible : Brush entities only. Determines if entity should be visible.

  • 0 : Visible (default)
  • 1 : Invisible

ZHLT Custom Shadow (when opaque) zhlt_customshadow : Opaque brush entities only. If "ZHLT Ligth Flags" of this entity uses any of the option with 'Opaque' word, this will allow to customize shadow dropped by this entity. Value format: [0 - 1.0] [0 - 1.0] [0 - 1.0], use three values for color or only one for transparency.

ZHLT Embed Light Map (when translucent) zhlt_embedlightmap : Transparent brush entities only. Set it to 'Yes' and this transparent entity will take a light from environment making it looks much more natural. Use it when entities (e.g. glass represented by func_wall) omits lightning from surrounding. Note that this is expensive so shouldn't be used too often, but resolution of those lightmaps can be controlled by keyvalue explained below.

  • 0 : No (default)
  • 1 : Yes

ZHLT Embed Light Map Resolution zhlt_embedlightmapresolution : Value of power of two that controls the resolution of embedded lightmaps of transparent textures (see keyvalue above). Higher value for better optimization. Default and recommended value is 4.

ZHLT Light Flags zhlt_lightflags : Brush entities only. Changes light casting or receiving setting.

  • 0 : Default : Let the entity decide about lightning setting.
  • 1 : Embedded Fix : Disables bleed fix on given entity. Sometimes when entity gets trough the wall, it may get wrong lighting in one of the site. Use this flag when this problem appear.
  • 2 : Opaque (blocks light) : May be useful for func_door or func_illusionary to generate shadows. Can also generate shadows on transparent '{' textures with 'Solid' Render Mode (amount: 255). Note that shadow sharpness depends on '-blur' compile value. The blur value of map above is 0.5 (it's 1.5 by default).
  • 3 : Opaque + Embedded fix : both 'Opaque' and 'Embedded Fix' settings.
  • 6 : Opaque + Concave Fix : Instead of using 'Embedded Fix' you can use 'Concave Fix'. It's generally used for curved entities, use it when you spot a black seems on curved (arched) entities.

ZHLT Light Origin Target light_origin : Set it to the name of info_target, this entity will receive lights from specified info_target position instead of it's own position. As a lot of entites can moves and lightning is not updated dynamically you can choose how your entity will be lit in game (e.g. elevators, pushables e.t.c.). Now you don't need to put the whole entity in the well-lit room at map start to make them look desirable.

Minimum light level _minlight : Sets the minimum light level. Set this value if entity is too dark on compiled map. Also useful for things like computer screens or holograms. Default is 0, max 1.

Sound Replacement File soundlist : Allows you to setup a sound replacement file func_recharge sounds. The path begins in 'svencoop/sound/mapname', whereas 'mapname' would be your map's name. You can go to the parent directory using '../'. A valid sound replacement file contains one or more lines with two sound-paths, which are separated by a space and wrapped into quotes. The first sound is the sound to be replaced. The second sound is the new sound. Sound-paths start in the sound directory. You cannot go to the parent directory using '../' in that case. These sounds do not need to be precached using a custom_precache point entity.

Custom Juice Amount CustomJuice : Custom max charges amount. '0' for default.

Custom Recharge Time CustomRechargeTime : Time, in seconds, for func_recharge to replenish it's charges. '0' for default.

Trigger On Empty TriggerOnEmpty : Entity to trigger when charges are fully consumed. Trigger use-type is 'Toggle'.

Trigger on Recharged TriggerOnRecharged : Entity to trigger when func_recharge recharge itself after depleting and waiting "Custom Recharge Time". Trigger use-type is 'Toggle'.

Custom Denied Sound CustomDeniedSound : Custom sound file override to play when func_recharge holds no more charges, but player is still attempting to drain more.

Custom Start Sound CustomStartSound : Custom sound file override to play when player starts using the func_recharge.

Custom Loop Sound CustomLoopSound : Sound file to play (in a loop) when charging is in progress, just after "Custom Start Sound".


  • 2048 : Not in Deathmatch : Obsolete in Sven Co-op. Makes the entity don't appear in Multiplayer Games.

Func_recharge supports to have a name (even if it is not listed in object properties). You can set it by adding "targetname" key with SmartEdit mode disabled. Now entity can be killed and triggered to charge a battery of activator by one point.